Glimpse from ELECTRIC FIESTA episode one from second years .The event consisted of logo quiz,audio recognition quiz and picture puzzles.
A snap from ELECTRIC FIESTA EPISODE 2, second years.
The second chapter of electric fiesta consisted of aptitude test and A rapid fire quiz.
A snap from ELECTRIC FIESTA EPISODE 3, second years.
The third chapter went ahead with Matlab session taken by HOD EE department.
Moments captured from the SMART ENGINEER SESSION-1. The session became a venue for inspiration.It filled the minds of students with enthusiasm and curiosity about wonders created by Internet of Things.
An Interaction with EEE juniors in the month of October.Where we conducted several games and let them open themselve to the cordial environment.The event started with funny question rounds and ended with playing mobile games.
A picture from ELECTRIC FIESTA EPISODE 4, second years.Here the discussion emphasized on building a strong profile.Thee excigence of doing internship and techniques of ameliorating resume are highlighted.